
To function as an effective and autonomous professional, who is able to make strategic choices in relation to facilitation, materials, assessment and selection of programmes. With extended skills around learner support, interaction with local contexts and policy developments. To facilitate learning areas at ABET Levels 1-4, depending on choice of electives. To encourage lifelong learning by identifying further education, training and development needs of self and learners and linking these to ETD opportunities.

Exit Outcomes:

  • Plan and organise a well-structured programme or series of learning events, which includes producing a rationale for the programme, identifying the human, material and information resources to be required and calculation and monitoring costs
  • Facilitate a programme of learning, using a range of teaching methods and techniques, implementing the principles of OBE and encouraging learner participation and confidence
  • Identify learners who have special learning, counselling or health needs, refer these learners to relevant services and take appropriate action within the learning situation, including responding to problems of absenteeism and drop-out
  • Adapt existing materials and develop their own learning aids using a variety of available sources.
  • Produce, implement and evaluate assessment instruments and conduct appropriate follow-up after an assessment event.
  • Undertake basic research and liaison relevant to the learning situation.

Minimum credits: 240