
The National Certificate in Environmental Education, Training and Development Practice (EETDP) (NQF Level 5) will prepare candidates to function as entry-level environmental education practitioners. It will apply in particular to part-time practitioners working in environmental education centres and to people who may be employed primarily in fields other than education, but who may develop an environmental education role in their workplace, e.g. field rangers, outreach officers, interpretive officers, etc.

People qualified with the National Certificate in EETDP (NQF Level 5) will be able to select and adapt existing environmental learning programmes and justify their choices in terms of principles of environmental education and in response to issues of environmental justice and sustainability. When qualified, they will be able to plan, organise, implement, and review a limited selection of environmental learning events using an active learning approach. They will also be able to select, adapt and use learning support materials to enrich the learning experience.

Given regular supervision in a structured environment, people qualified at this level will be able to make a meaningful contribution to environmental change through education. They will be able to work with others to undertake environmental action projects or facilitate environmental learning programmes.

Exit outcomes:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of environmental education goals, principles and methods and their appropriateness in different contexts
  • Select, plan and adapt a contextually-relevant environmental learning programme
  • Implement and evaluate an environmental learning programme
  • Select, adapt and use existing environmental learning support materials and develop own supplementary learning aids
  • Network broadly in order to source information and support around a key environmental issue or risk and recommend possible solutions
  • Research and analyse a local environmental issue in terms of principles of environmental justice and sustainability
  • Apply appropriate social protocols in the workplace and community

Minimum credits : 121